Online Business Marketing: With No Money?

eCommerce has been on the rise over recent years with more US citizens using the Internet to make purchases than ever before. For the consumer, eCommerce represents hassle free shopping. An online retailer can provide a solution to the consumer’s problem at the click of a button without the customer having to leave their home. For businesses, it means they can reach a global audience with very little overhead costs that apply to the more traditional bricks and mortar retail store. Additionally, having an online store can offer brands with physical stores increased accessibility for a wider audience.

With so many benefits, it’s no surprise that more and more startups are popping up on the online retail market. Nowadays, with the plethora of eCommerce platforms available, a young business can set up their online store website and be ready to sell their first lampshade quicker than you can get a Big Mac Meal for a minimal monthly fee. But having an online store and a catalogue of amazing products is only half of thestory for online retail. In order to get your amazing products seen, you will need to spread the word. That’s where online business marketing comes into play…

Online Business Marketing: With No Money?


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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