No, that headline wasn’t a copy-paste mistake. This week’s post is a bit of a curveball. It’s my last week writing this series on social media marketing lessons we learned from various pop culture topics. This series was an experiment of sorts, and I thought it was a good time to take a step back and share our findings after a few weeks of testing it. In other words, let’s get meta.
Here are the 3 lessons I learned from doing this 3 lessons series:
1. People still love lists
The most obvious lesson: lists have become one of the most ubiquitous ways to package content on the Web. Spatially appealing and easy to digest, lists take advantage of our seemingly limited attention span, organizing a bunch of data in the most rapidly digestible form. As the great XKCD web comic demonstrates, even very complex things are easily understood when presented in this format:
3 Social Media Marketing Lessons We Learned From 3 Social Media Marketing Lessons