6 Ways to Produce New Leads with Your Website/Blog

6 Ways to Produce New Leads with Your Website or BlogAn integral part of a business’s viability is reflected in its website and blog. With so many potential consumers to target, companies need to broadenĀ its reach online to strengthen its marketing campaigns and grow revenue.

Here are six ways to produce new leads using your company website or blog:


How are you generating traffic for your website? Are you targeting the right audience? These are key questions you must answer to determine if your website is even reaching the appropriate population for your product or service.

In order to maximize your lead potential, you need to cultivate an understanding of your audience and craft your message to direct it to this population. Otherwise, your product or services will fall into a black hole.

Searches, direct traffic and referrals possess the most potential for determining who is visiting your website. Concentrating on the audience in these segments will help establish how to craft your online marketing strategy. To analyze your traffic trends, use a web analtyics tool like Google Analtyics or StatCounter, to monitor activity in real time.

6 Ways to Produce New Leads with Your Website/Blog


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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