8 Brilliant Facebook Marketing Tactics to Use Right Now

Facebook makes a lot of changes and that can be really frustrating for marketers, especially those of us who do it all ourselves, right? Part of my job is to keep you up-to-date on changes and tactics that will help you successfully navigate your social media marketing.

Remember, more time is spent on Facebook than on any other platform on the web (besides Google). This means that it’s getting easier and easier to market there, because Facebook really does care about making it an effective tool to help you attract your ideal clients. Here’s a list of Facebook marketing tactics that you can use right now.

1. Post as yourself or as your page with this nifty new tool.

At the top right of your status update window you will now see this little drop-down menu that enables you to post as yourself or as your Page (or any Page you manage).

2. Copy and paste a post to use elsewhere by clicking on the time stamp and getting the URL.

Now you can repost on other Social Media sites (such as LinkedIn) or shorten the URL and use it on Twitter (love this idea – thank you to Mari Smith, Facebook marketer extraordinaire).

8 Brilliant Facebook Marketing Tactics to Use Right Now


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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