5 Steps to Revising Your Content Marketing Strategy to Attract and Retain Future Customers

This is not a how-to post; this is a how-to-think post.

What troubles me about the majority of current content creation activities from companies is the sheer lack of strategy and purpose.

I see a lot of activities — tweets, posts, articles, infographics, and more — that don’t support a real business goal.

Content Marketing Institute’s latest research even found that only 38 percent of all marketers believe they are effective at content marketing.

Your business goal that drives your particular content creation strategy should be to build an audience.

With a loyal audience you can sell, well, practically anything you want.

An upside-down model

I believe most businesses are doing it wrong. Today, the majority of businesses put their hearts and souls into developing some amazing product, and then scratch like heck to get people to pay attention to it.

Wow, that seems like a lot of work. Why not just build the audience first and then develop the product once you truly understand the needs of the audience?

I believe this is the go-to-market strategy for businesses in the future — so much so that my next book is about this exact topic.

5 Steps to Revising Your Content Marketing Strategy to Attract and Retain Future Customers


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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