12 Content Marketing Speakers to Check Out in 2015

12 people who are knowledgeable about content marketing and are worth hearing speak this year.

Nothing’s worse than attending an event with a weak speaker lineup. Instead of being entertained and informed, you end up bored and distracted.

When I speak at an event, I’m regularly asked which presenters I respect and recommend. My advice is to find speakers who not only inspire, but also share actionable steps that audience members can use to be better at what they do.

Here are 12 people who are knowledgeable about content marketing and are worth hearing speak this year:

1. Jay Baer, Founder and President of Convince & Convert

I might be biased because my company works with Jay, but I’ll go ahead and explain this choice. Jay has a deep knowledge of content marketing and social amplification, and he’s a likable person–the perfect combination for a speaker. While many speakers leave immediately after addressing an event, Jay cares enough to stick around. He always makes an effort to meet audience members, and that adds a ton of value to the event and is really appreciated by attendees. This practice is something I’ve always respected, and I’ve adopted it myself…

12 Content Marketing Speakers to Check Out in 2015


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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