Why Digital Marketing Analytics Matter To Your Business

smartphone graphsIn 1955, Columbia House sold 700,000 records through no more than direct mail marketing and a telephone ordering service. Now, 93% of marketers agree that social media is important for their business.

The business world is changing rapidly, and with it, marketing. Columbia House and other mail-order music services gave way to giants like Sam Goody and F.Y.E., who gave way just a few years later to iTunes. If this trend demonstrates one thing, it’s that modern consumers want a personalized, convenient experience that meets their needs specifically, not the generalized expectations of a homogenized mob.

In the information age, data is changing the game. Marketers of both large and small businesses here the term “Big Data” all the time, but what does it mean to their business? Rest assured, data is becoming a necessity for all marketers, particularly inbound marketers, and the insights provided are profound, important, and readily available to those who know where to look.

Why Digital Marketing Analytics Matter To Your Business


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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