Over at Entrepreneur, Jayson DeMers wrote a controversialSEO GUIDE that is technically correct, but potentially misleading to small businesses. His thesis is pretty straightforward: “The happier your users are when they visit your site, the higher you’re going to rank.” Simply put, you don’t need advanced technical skills to doSEO
right. Just create great content, lower your bounce rate, and watch your rankings rise.
He suggests that the key to successful SEO campaigns involves six points:
- Great user experience
- Quality content
- Being recognized as an authority
- Social media marketing
- Building your local reputation
- Using modern content management systems
Those are six great pieces of advice for anySEO campaign. They’re also overly simplistic to the point where small businesses end up a bit confused. Doesn’t every recentSEO
article also say, “backlinks are still a major ranking factor?” Are we to believe they will magically appear when great content is produced?…