Professionalism reduces variation, writes AMV BBDO joint chief strategy officer Craig Mawdsley, so it’s time marketing became a lot more unprofessional.
Everything’s become so professional, everyone knows how it’s meant to be done and as a result everything ends up looking the same
Some time ago, I saw an interview with Martin Scorcese. He was reflecting on the making of Mean Streets and how invigorating it was to make a movie out on the streets of New York, without proper lighting and support crews, essentially making it up as he went along. And then he talked about the state of movie making today – everything’s become so professional, everyone knows how it’s meant to be done and as a result everything ends up looking the same.
Now of course, in many ways professionalism is a good thing. You want a Doctor with the proper qualifications to treat you if you fall ill; ill-informed improvisation is usually a bad thing in that context. And if a Building Engineer hasn’t signed off the construction methods of the building you work in, it may be wise to consider flexi-time. But the march of professionalism has gone far further than this.