Anywhere between 20-30% of all reviews are fake. Many conversations I have with business owners is how Bizyhood makes feedback “fair” for both the consumer and the business. One thing that is true is this: regardless of the popularity of sites such as Yelp and TripAdvisor (and the popularity of Amazon Reviews), the concept of a 5 star review has serious flaws. Some question whether business owners should or should not be allowed to ask for reviews. A Harvard Business School study from 2011 showed that a 1-star increase in score for a restaurant on Yelp can translate into 5-9% higher sales, which further promotes businesses to not only “game” the system to goose up their scores, but to also stress over a “bad” review. Bad reviews may actually contain helpful and actionable feedback but is often overlooked as the business owner is simply concerned about upping their overall score…
Let’s Kill Fake Reviews: How to Make Feedback Fair
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Rick Duris is CopyRanger.