You know it and we know it – being visible on YouTube has become essential to any company that wants to promote their brand through video marketing.
The problem is that being found by your potential customers on YouTube isn’t that easy – you have to beat millions of competitors with larger budgets and brighter videos.
Being visible on YouTube and ranking high in its search results requires thoroughSEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION SEO
), a wise distribution plan and, above all, a quality marketing video.
Today you’ll learn the basics on how to rank number one on YouTube with your own video. But I’ll not just describe how to do it; I’ll explain and demonstrate each step by using a successful case study from Yum Yum Videos: their explainer video got ranked number one on YouTubeunder the most valuable business keywords in just 3 months, so it will serve us as a clear example on each step…
How to Make Your Video Rank Number One on YouTube (Case Study)