How to Diagnose Your Funnel to Create Predictable Growth

diagnosIf I’ve learned one thing about companies and organizations that enjoy consistent growth, it’s that they’re maniacal about monitoring their data and numbers. They’re clear on what has to happen to achieve their goals.  In contrast, companies that don’t experience consistent, predictable growth also do not have clarity of their funnel metrics.

So, the first step to creating predictability is to define, measure and track your funnel. In its simplest form (and the reality is that no matter how complex you make you measurement system, it still boils down to this), there are three phases of your funnel that need to be measured:

  1. The top of the funnel, where the focus is on traffic.
  2. The middle of the funnel, where the focus is on lead conversion.
  3. The bottom of the funnel, where the focus is on sales and revenue.

The benefit of tracking your go-to-market efforts in such a manner is that you can diagnose problems often before they have a negative impact on your revenue results…

How to Diagnose Your Funnel to Create Predictable Growth


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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