Ever heard of SlideShare? It’s a site that hosts your slide decks from Powerpoint or Keynote. It’s one of those great content marketing platforms most people have never heard of, let alone recruiters.
Some impressive stats first of all: SlideShare is one of the top 150 sites on the web, they get 60 million visitors per month and have 3 billion slide views a month (that’s 1,140 slides viewed per second). So the traffic is good but it’s also the right type of traffic for most content marketers – it’s highly professional. According to ComScore, SlideShare has five times more traffic from business owners than other popular websites like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.
And the most impressive of all: LinkedIn just acquired SlideShare for the princely sum of $119 million. This of course bodes very well for further integration of the two products.
I won’t delve further into why it’s a useful tool, instead I’d like to give you ten ways to use it successfully: