Some 27 million pieces of content are shared each day, according to a study by Nielson and AOL. And that was in 2011!
All this content flying around demonstrates the (true) clichés that content is king and distribution is queen. However, in the attention economy, actually getting your content noticed is what makes you belle of the ball.
At a time when marketers are challenged to furnish steady streams of engaging ideas and content, curating other people’s content is an effective content marketing tool. Nevertheless, curation merely shifts the challenge to “How do I identify and curate valuable content?”
I recently read Non-Obvious: How to Think Different, Curate Ideas and Predict the Future, by Rohit Bhargava. In it, the author presents a framework for identifying nonobvious trends. Within that framework, he homes in on five critical skills that he says are also valuable for marketing professionals. He says…