Are you starting a new freelance writing business or trying to get ahead with your current one?
We’ve rounded up some experts to answer: What’s your top tip for running a successful freelance writing business?
Enjoy and happy freelancing!
Demian Farnworth, The CopyBot:
Avoid isolation. Arrange to get out of the house two or three times a week to work. Do lunch at least once a week. Video skype or Hangout at least with one person a day.
Miranda Miller:
Networking and professional development are incredibly important, especially when you’re working alone and often specializing in one or two areas. It’s helpful to keep up with what’s going on in the writing industry, what new tools you should be learning, copyright issue, etc. It’s just as helpful to socialize with and get to know other writers, too. I get great referrals from other writers and pass on a lot, too – we probably all get offers that just aren’t a great fit for us. Conferences, online groups and networks, and smaller events are fantastic tools for learning, developing your skills and expanding your network. Freelancing is like any business; you have to invest in it (and yourself!) to succeed and grow.