Copywriting Tip: “She thought this would make her copy more authentic…”

spiral-pencilsMy client, “Brunhilde,” wanted a sales letter. She was a marketer herself, so she was very clear about what she wanted.

“Please include this paragraph,” she said firmly. “I used it in another sales letter and it works! I wrote it myself.”

When I finished the first draft, Brunhilde liked everything … except this one paragraph. “It doesn’t sound like me at all,” she said. “I’d never use those words. Why would you include them?”

Brunhilde is a good client so I removed the offending paragraph – written by her – and said nothing. I just smiled quietly and realized Brunhilde had just confirmed ..

Myth #1: To sound authentic you have to use your own words and write your own content. That’s why you can’t hire a copywriter.

What really happens?

Copywriting Tip: “She thought this would make her copy more authentic…” 


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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