Back to Basics: What is Marketing Automation and Why Do I Need It Now?

Marketing AutomationMarketing automation is a must-have for a modern marketing team. But, even though you may have heard this fact or read about it, many marketers are still questioning the exact definition. What exactly is marketing automation and why do you need it? Sometimes at Marketo, we like to take a pause and get back to the basics.

What is marketing automation and why should you be interested in it? It’s pretty simple. Marketers who use marketing automation software tend to outperform marketers that don’t.

The Cold Hard Facts

According to the Aberdeen Group, Best-in-Class marketers are 67% more likely to use a marketing automation platform, with 87% of top-performing firms using this technology. Overall, best-in-class marketers contribute more to the sales pipeline, with 57% of sales-accepted leads converted to the sales-qualified pipeline, and the company as a whole sees 14% overall growth in marketing revenue. Pretty impressive, right…

Back to Basics: What is Marketing Automation and Why Do I Need It Now?


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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