#Marketing 101: Developing a Content Strategy

chessContent marketing is one of those things that can be a game changer if done well. It can morph a marketing department from one that talks at their customers to one that speakswith them. Content marketing, if done well, can help increase the top of the funnel, make the middle of the funnel more effective, and shorten the sales cycle. In short, content marketing is something everyone is either trying to do or something they want to do.

The problem is that pesky “if done well” problem.

The reality is that few marketing teams are doing this well and it all comes down to the way they researched and implemented their strategy. Success or failure in content marketing, just like everything in life, comes down to preparation. Winning in content marketing requires the right pieces being in place before content creation even starts. It also requires a business willing to buy into doing things differently. It is a tall order, and that is the reason why many marketing departments are failing…

#Marketing 101: Developing a Content Strategy


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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