57 Ways to Boost Your Blog Traffic

57 Ways to Boost Your Blog TrafficUsing effective tactics that boost your blog traffic is the first step in achieving a variety of goals.

Those objectives could include, selling products and services, building brand awareness, position yourself as a thought leader or to connect and network. Whatever the goals are, traffic provides the visibility to engage and sell.

Website visitors is where it all starts. No traffic…nothing happens.

In the past bloggers only had one big tactic.

Building an email list.

This is still important despite the allure of social media with all its hype and bluster, real and imagined.  Social media since arriving on the scene has offered bloggers two core and very important capabilities that were not part of the web landscape until social media turned up.

  1. Multiple platforms and networks to re-publish and share their content on. You can now discover a blogger and their content because it is published to Facebook or their video is on YouTube
  2. Crowd sourced marketing as people share bloggers articles with a couple of clicks on Facebook and Twitter. No longer is the post hidden in the email silo where sharing is restricted to passing an email on.

57 Ways to Boost Your Blog Traffic


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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