5 Secrets To Getting Subscribers To Forward Your Emails

How do you get people to share your brand’s messages with others? Columnist Chad White offers these key tactics for encouraging your subscribers to forward your emails.


email-stick-figures-ss-1920Social sharing gets a lot of attention — in large part, because it’s relatively easy to measure — but the all but invisible email forward can be just as powerful for brands. Whereas social sharing is public, diffuse, and powerful at driving top-of-the-funnel awareness, email forwards are private, targeted, and excel at driving bottom-of-the-funnel action.

To better understand email forwarding behavior, Litmus (my employer) used its Email Analytics tool to measure the forwarding activity from more than 400,000 email campaigns. We then analyzed more than 200 campaigns from the most forwarded 1% of emails and compared them with an equal number of campaigns from the middle-of-the-pack median, looking at differences in tactics and email topics…

5 Secrets To Getting Subscribers To Forward Your Emails


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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