10 Tweetable Tips for Better B2B Content Marketing

10 Tweetable Tips for Better B2B Content MarketingNot so long ago, content marketing was considered the domain of the B2C (business-to-consumer) world: fine for Starbucks, Nike, and Apple, but a total waste of time for those of us in the B2B (business-to-business) realm. Fast forward to 2015, and86 percent of B2B marketers say they have added content marketing to their strategies (Source).

Now that content marketing is an unmistakable part of your B2B job description, we’ve put together 10 tweetable tips to help you do it better.

  1. B2B and B2C are two tribes in the same clan: they share the same DNA, but there are some key differences. (Tweet this)
  2. Your B2B target audience has 2 levels: company specifics (e.g. size) and individual specifics (e.g. job title). (Tweet this)

10 Tweetable Tips for Better B2B Content Marketing


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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