The Psychology of Online Persuasion

persuade [per sweyd] – to prevail on a person to do something, as by advising or urging; to induce to believe by appealing to reason or understanding; to convince.

The Anatomy of Marketing
How quick come the reasons for approving what we like.” ~Jane Austen, Persuasion

What is it about our human brains that allows us to be influenced by newly introduced considerations? In a nutshell, sex, empathy, and logic.

The human brain is made up of three systems: primal, emotional, and rational. When marketing works, it appeals to all three of these systems: using images to trigger the primal brain, empathy and a good story to engage the emotional brain, and proven justifications to support the rational brain. Another part of this “anatomical” equation rests in the attention span of an average online consumer…

The Psychology of Online Persuasion


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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