The Magical Power of 73%

“57% of the purchase decision is complete before a customer even calls a supplier.”

Gosh. That seems like a lot. Anyone going higher?

“Technology buyers are two-thirds of the way through their buying process before they engage with tech vendors’ sales teams.”

I like it. Do I hear 73?

“SiriusDecisions predicts that by 2020, 73% of the B2B sales process will be complete before a sales person is ever engaged.”

. . . 90?

“Although it varies greatly with product complexity and market maturity, today’s buyers might be anywhere from two-thirds to 90% of the way through their journey before they reach out to the vendor. For many product categories, buyers now put off talking with salespeople until they are ready for price quotes.”

It’s apparent that we’re edging toward 100%, at which point, the venerable salesperson will quietly slink from corporate org charts, tail tucked. An anachronism, squeezed out of a job, along with coopers, wheelwrights, and telephone operators. Press delete. Good. That wasn’t very messy. Now, where were we? Oh yes – generating revenue. Please, let’s continue…

The Magical Power of 73%


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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