Longer Search Queries Are Becoming the Norm: What It Means for SEO

User search queries can no longer be considered in terms of the basic keywords and keyword phrases that comprise them. In the early days of SEO, many people relied on short phrases to find what they were looking for, but the way people use search engines is changing. People are relying on longer queries to find what they’re looking for, and this increasing trend demands action on the part of search marketers everywhere.

Why Search Queries Are Becoming Longer

As with most market trends, there’s no single reason why user queries are getting longer. It’s the result of a combination of different factors and it certainly didn’t happen overnight. Understanding the background and context of these longer search queries can help you better prepare for the resulting changes in user search patterns…

Longer Search Queries Are Becoming the Norm: What It Means for SEO


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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