Content Marketing – Sales for Non-Sales People

I am an entrepreneur building an Internet platform. That means I have to talk to people and „sell“ my product. I am not really shy, I like to talk and I believe in my product – meaning I like to talk about my product to people who are interested. What I do not like – or to put it plain: I loathe – is intruding on people who do not want to talk to me, who have no time or do not want to know about my product, do not like getting offers the way I am presenting it and so on. That is why I simply love „Content Marketing“.

There are times when there is no way around cold calling and there are people who love to do cold calling. On the other hand I have met my share of people just like me: not really shy, able to talk (and write) about their knowledge, topics and products in a nice and entertaining way – but not very fond of cold calling, shouting or advertising. Especially in startups and small businesses where the founders or bosses have to do everything and cannot afford to hire someone who really enjoys these hated sales pitches, content marketing is a nice and entertaining way to solve this problem.

Content Marketing – Sales for Non-Sales People


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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