Brand Bidding & PPC Optimization: The Value Of Brand Keywords (Part 2 of 8)

Columnist Lori Weiman continues her series on brand bidding for PPC by discussing how brand terms improve the bottom line for advertisers.

ppc-blue-mobile-ss-1920Welcome to Part 2 of Brand Bidding & PPC Optimization, a series to help today’s search marketer answer the biggest question facing PPC advertisers in 2016: How do I get meaningful growth numbers out of an expensive, crowded and competitive PPC market?

In Part 1, I reviewed the history of PPC optimization and how easy it used to be to achieve big growth numbers from PPC advertising. To summarize part 1, I discussed the evolution of keyword advertising:

Brand Bidding & PPC Optimization: The Value Of Brand Keywords (Part 2 of 8)


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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