9 Real-Life Conversion Rate Optimization Tests to Try Yourself

conversion_rate_case_studiesI don’t know about you, but I learn best by looking at examples. Learning formulas and high-level concepts only gets me so far — the real-world application is what makes things stick.

But in conversion optimization, examples are especially hard to come across. Unless you know they’re happening or want to spend an inordinate amount of time Googling, you’ve got to resort to your imagination to devise new ideas for experiments to run on your website.

While I’m sure your imagination is very vivid, we figured we could do some of the research legwork for you. Below are nine fascinating case studies to inspire your next conversion optimization test.

1) Slide-in CTAs increased CTR by 192% and generated 27% more submissions.

Most successful blogs include a call-to-action at the end of their blog posts. It’s usually full-width — large enough for people to notice the offer and hopefully convert on it.

But are people noticing that CTA, or are they learning to tune them out?

Here at HubSpot, we were curious if our readers we developing static CTA blindness — so we decided to run a test to see if we could increase our CTA clickthrough and conversion rates without being a huge, annoying marketing jerk.

9 Real-Life Conversion Rate Optimization Tests to Try Yourself


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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