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1 Simple “Mind Hack” for Writing Stronger, More Compelling Copy

I was doing some copywriting coaching over the weekend and I thought I’d pass on one of my tips for writing stronger, more compelling copy.

Actually, it’s sort of a “mind hack.”

After a few attempts, the person I was coaching’s copy was still weak. Uncompelling. He was getting discouraged.

This copywriter had been engaged by a Client who was selling a $67 online info-product.

Here’s what I had this copywriter do:

I asked him “Ok. What would happen if I told you we’re making a change. The product’s no longer $67. It’s still the same product, but it’s now $6700. Would you write the piece any differently?”

He answered “Oh yeah! I’d really have to sell hard!”

And I said “Ok, go ahead. Unleash. Give it everything you’ve got. THAT’S the piece you want to write. Can you do that?”

“You bet!” he replied.

He came back a day later with his first piece totally revamped.

Much stronger copy. Far clearer and more compelling. After reading it, I felt as though he could have written INDEFINITELY about how great the product was.

It was a true breakthrough for him. An amazing transformation. Overnight his copy improved dramatically.

Today, he showed a draft of the piece to the Client and he loves it. Don’t know how well it’ll convert yet, but he agrees, it’ll definitely do a lot better than his first attempts.

When something has a higher price, we naturally believe the product has more value, higher quality, more benefits. More of everything, actually.

In our mind, we unconsciously make the product bigger, heavier, more necessary to the customer. We attribute more reasons the prospect has “gotta have it.”

When it comes to copywriting tips for websites, this one works like gangbusters. Almost without fail, it naturally creates stronger copy.

Try it. It’s easy.

Next time you’re struggling getting the best out of yourself when it comes time to write copy, just multiple the price by 100 in your head and see what happens.

I think you’ll be amazed how one simple thing can make such a dramatic and immediate improvement in your copy.

PS: What’s interesting is with this copywriting tip while you end up romancing the product more, you don’t go down the road of unnecessarily inserting superlatives, hype and “power words.”

Your copy flows easily, naturally and powerfully. Almost as if it was writing itself.

File under: Copywriting Tips for Websites


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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