Why Short Term Content Marketing Campaigns Are A Horrible Idea

Short-Term Content Marketing Does Not Exist HeaderIt’s human nature to relish instant gratification. Our most basic instinctual drives rely on the carnal urge to quickly alleviate displeasure and expedite enjoyment. Moreover, we live in the age of up-to-the-minute newsfeeds, abhorrently fast Internet access, and same-day drone deliveries.

In short, humans face no scarcity of opportunities for immediate satisfaction. As content marketers in this consumer-driven world, we must give the people what they want, right? That means having answers to every question, upon request, at consumers’ fingertips.

Here’s where that process gets remarkably tricky. Even though we fancy ourselves as objective marketers, we’re still under the same influence of human nature as our consumers. One of the ways our instant gratification tendencies manifests itself is a run-and-gun approach to content marketing execution and examination.

Why Short Term Content Marketing Campaigns Are A Horrible Idea


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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