How to use LinkedIn to find clients: Stop sharing content—tell the truth

“I have seen little (ok, I’m exaggerating) NO success using LinkedIn,” says John Reeb of the Colorado Leadership Institute. Sound familiar? Wondering how to use LinkedIn to find clients? Start telling the TRUTH about what you sell. Are you using the truth to your advantage on social media like LinkedIn, Google+, blogs and YouTube? Let me show you how to use LinkedIn to find clients—using the truth as your secret weapon.

“I have tried to add value to anyone who reads what I post … so that they gain some kind of expertise or learning that helps them in their day-to-day work.”

“Yet I’ve receive virtually no feedback nor any sales from it,” Mr. Reeb told me in a candid LinkedIn exchange.

Ironically, the discussion ended up generating over 100 leads for me in 2 weeks time. Because I dared to talk about the elephant in the room—the taboo issue that my competitors won’t go near. THEIR lack of truthfulness!

When we met, Mr. Reeb was frustrated. Rightly so. After all, he was following one of the biggest LinkedIn best practices for sales—sharing valuable content. Helping people.



Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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