Conversion Rate Optimization: Defining Objectives and KPIs

Conversion Rate Optimization: Turning Prospects Into Customers

conversion rate optimization– One of the key indicators that contributes to the success of a website or marketing campaign is the ability to make the seamless transition from site Visitors to actual Clients or Leads.

While there are many ways to invite a targeted public to a web destination, getting them to make a purchase, or download a marketing deliverable, can be a bit more complex than merely owning a domain – no matter how impressive it might appear.

The ability to make a Conversion, from mildly interested consumer to purchaser, shows that your website is doing more for your business than being a landing page for search engines. It can undoubtedly mean the difference between your Company being small and localized, to climbing its way into the Fortune 500.

Conversion Rate Optimization: Defining Objectives and KPIs


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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