3 Resources that Will Help You Craft Smarter Landing Pages

Copyblogger Collection: show your prospects you have what they needChances are, it hasn’t been too long since you’ve had a miscommunication with someone — possibly a spouse, child, parent, or coworker.

You thought that person understood what you said, but he interpreted your message in a different way than you intended.

Miscommunications on landing pages occur when you think you’ve explicitly stated why a prospect should take action and that prospect isn’t convinced your call to action is the right step for him to take.

To avoid disappointing conversion rates on your landing pages, this week’s Copyblogger Collection is a series of three handpicked articles that show you:

  • How to create a deep connection with your prospects and customers
  • How 26 fun rhymes will help you focus on your landing page goal
  • How savvy marketers write landing page copy

As you work your way through the material below, think of these lessons as a mini landing page course…

3 Resources that Will Help You Craft Smarter Landing Pages


Rick Duris is CopyRanger.

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